Explore our platform for the latest research findings, publications, and updates in abortion research. Join us in shaping the future of women's health.
WHAT WE DOForge partnerships, share expertise, and drive change. Join our vibrant community of researchers, stakeholders, and advocates passionate about abortion research in Nigeria.
WHAT WE DOAccess valuable resources and training materials to advance your career in abortion research. We're here to support both seasoned researchers and early career scholars.
WHAT WE DOThe Partnership for Advancing Abortion Research and Reducing Unsafe Abortion in Nigeria is a platform for convening research and advocacy forums. It is a platform for setting abortion research agenda, utilizing the findings and implementing relevant projects to reduce unsafe abortion in Nigeria.
At PAARRUAN, we believe in the power of collaboration. Our partners include esteemed institutions, researchers, and organizations dedicated to the cause of safe abortion in Nigeria. Together, we drive impactful research, share valuable resources, and advocate for evidence-based policies. Join hands with our esteemed partners in reshaping the future of women’s healthcare in Nigeria.